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Interview: Photographer Ioan Hiliuta (Ireland, UK)

Tell us something about yourself

Originally from Romania but moved to Ireland over 10 years ago, I have over 15 years experience in portrait and fine art photography. I have to thank my dad for teaching me photography skills, using dark room and train me on his Zenit camera.

What does photography mean to you?

Photography is more than a hobby for me. It's a passion, and I'm devoted entirely to it. I don't think there is a day when I don't do some kind of photography work. Being doing a shoot, or processing, or just going through my portfolio.


Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I tend to do more of dramatic shoots, bit dark and expressive. I like portraits, portraits which can tell a story. I like to use more natural light and show the skin in its natural texture.


Where do you get inspiration from?

I don't like to get inspiration, as for me inspiration is copying. I am trying to be original, even though today is not much you can do that hasn't been done before.


Studio, on location or both?

I like location more. Studio for me is a bit boring and there is not much you can do. But in the same time, with a good amount of props, you can have good results in the studio. Also, going to location is more chalenging, as you cannot control the light.


Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I stopped doing free shoots a good while ago. But if I have an idea, I pick the model and we work together on a TFP basis.


What has been your most memorable session and why?

It's very hard to say as it has been so many over the years. but one of the most memorable ones I did will be with Vogue Williams, one of the super models in Ireland at Lough Rynn Castle shooting for Catriona Hanley's collection. We had an amazing decor, a few horse, vintage cars and carriages.


Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I changed from Nikon to Canon less than a year ago for some reasons that I don't even know. Maybe I was just looking for a change. A lens which is always in my bag and I'm using it most of the time is 500mm 1.4


What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

The market is very tough. Nowdays everyone with even an entry level camera is calling themself a photographer and doing TFP shoots. But if you focus and put all your efforts and passion into it, it's a soul feeding hobby.


What do you think of our new magazine?

I think the layout is great. I can see very big improvements over the last few months. I wish you all the best with your magazine and see you next time in Europe.




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