Author: Camila Santamaria
Brugge is such a beautiful city, don’t you think? The perfect little houses, the canals, the churches. It’s like you’re inside a fairy tale. Just walking around those small streets and getting lost in thousands and thousands of years of history.
But everybody know that tourism is not all about architecture and history. An important part of getting to know a city relies on the local food.
What is typical of Belgian food and you will pretty much see everywhere: chocolates, fries and mussels (I’ll post a recipe for that later). And what is usually that typical is usually also overpriced. If you walk through Groentmarkt and around you will see a lot of restaurants with the same menu. That’s why I did some research and discover and amazing low budget restaurant that is not part of Brugge’s mainstream restaurant circuit.
I crossed the main canal outside the center of Brugge, where there’s nothing touristic to see (actually Brugge is a UNESCO Heritage city but only the part that’s inside the main canal) and found a nice and little restaurant in the middle of what it looks like the non beautiful part of Brugge.
It’s called “De Poulin” and it serves mainly chicken and ribs. But definitely go for the chicken. Roasted juicy chicken perfectly cooked. Never tried a better chicken in my life. Honestly. And what I loved the most about the place was the sauces they give you with the chicken. Specially the garlic and the tartar sauce. All home made and with a perfect balance between the ingredients. You know sometimes when a sauce just taste like mayonnaise with a little hint of garlic? These sauces are the real thing.
Too bad they don’t have fries, that would have completed the perfect meal. They do have boiled and mash potatoes.
And because it Belgium and it’s a local restaurant, they have amazing craft beers you cannot miss!