Issue 19 (part4) is out

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04 Cover girl: Ewelina Horoszkiewicz
18 Photographer: Ayla Elaine
30 Model: Kristina Perälä
40 Photographer: Mathieu Galfré
52 Model: Stefan Visscher
64 Monthly winner: Maria Rita Chiara P.
74 Model: Ina Van Campenhout
86 Photographer: Lionel Le Biollay
96 Model: Radina Kalkandjieva
108 Editorial: Stone Hearth
122 Photographer: Antonio Funaro
132 Editorial: Noon of Thought
144 Model: Leonora Frydensberg S.
154 Photographer: Enea Arienti
165 Winners issue: Gabriela Machlowska
174 Model: Valerie breemans
186 Monthly winner: Marta Petrucci
198 Editorial: I can’t control...
208 Bibi make up queen
209 Winners issue: Lys Tiger
218 Model: Laura Parijs
230 Diamond Photography
244 Editorial: ‘Anér gynè
256 Photographer: Philip PL Lenoir
264 Editorial: THE WHITE TULIP