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Issue19 (part1) is out

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04 Cover girl: Sabrina Ziyada

18 Photographer: Florian Gimbert

30 Model: Evie Debbie

42 Photographer: Sander van Laar

54 Model: Frida Louise Karlsson

64 Monthly Winner: Nik Skjøth

76 Model: Iwona Iwanicka

88 Photographer: Freddy Billqvist

100 Model: Sarah Haelterman

110 Photographer: Cyprien Bussy

122 Editorial: The birth of a queen

130 Model: Pia Dahlbom

142 Photographer: Robin Sommers

156 Bibi make up queen

157 Winners Issue: Priscilla Delay

166 Model: Mena Chantasiri

176 Photographer: May Wongdeethai

186 Makeup artist: Stéphanie Bernard

200 Monthly Winner: Lily May

212 Editorial: Summer Feeling

220 Model: Renata Keller

232 Beauty blog: LR STARBOX

234 Editorial: WANDERER

242 Model: Mea Motolese

255 Winners issue: Jonas Wahlin

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